Game Plan

Life Coach - Or another way of putting that is "Pastor". That's what I do each day! I'll be sharing life strategies, stories and principles applying God's Word to everyday life. Pray hard - Play hard!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's a NEW YEAR!

With a New Year...comes new hopes!  My GOAL this year is to be more faithful about writing on my blog.  I am going to attempt to write a blog post weekly.  Could be anything related to current events, culture related, life strategies, things about church life and whatever comes to my mind.

In a way I was ready to see 2013 disappear and I'm more excited about a clean slate and moving forward.  Prayer is a big thing to me, and I'm also committing to spending more time in God's Word and in prayer this year than ever before.  Praying to God does two things:

1.  Helps me focus on giving thanks and getting the proper perspective.

2.  Helps me listen to God for direction, temperament and vision.

I'm not big into "New Year's resolutions" they have a way of becoming distinct and then we just set ourselves up for failure.  But having goals is a worthy endeavor.  I've often used the addage "If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time."  Too many people drift through life trying to make ends meet.  Let's take one or two things this year and really give it our best effort.

So, prayer and being more faithful in writing on this blog are my goals.  They are not very lofty you say?  Well, to me it's a start!  What are you aiming for?