Game Plan

Life Coach - Or another way of putting that is "Pastor". That's what I do each day! I'll be sharing life strategies, stories and principles applying God's Word to everyday life. Pray hard - Play hard!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I woke up the other morning and looked out across the lake in my back yard and saw this deer looking down at his or her reflection. Got me to thinking about the Psalmist David when he asked God to examine his heart. We all need to ask God to examine our hearts. Looking at the reflection of our souls is a good thing to do. I know...I know...too busy right? Well, if we don't examine who we really are, what we are doing...we might get lost along the way.

What do I mean by lost? We get lost because we lose our direction in life. God made each one of us with a purpose. Discovering that purpose is critical and vital for really living life and not just existing. Don't look up 10 years from now and wonder where the time went? Be a part of something bigger than yourself...join forces with other Christians...experience a love relationship with Jesus Christ and really live.

Take a moment every now and then to ask God to examine your heart and take a moment to look at your reflection. Do you like what you see on the inside? If not, it's never too late to can do it! Ask God to come and live in your'll experience a new way to live.